Sunday, December 14, 2014

Speaking Out Again Gun Violence

On December 14, 2012, a tragic event occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. An armed intruder broke into Sandy Hook Elementary school, killing 20 students and 6 adults. The event broke hearts of American across the country, from Los Angeles to New York, from Chicago to Miami. With the recent Ferguson and New York crisis, gun violence has been an important issue brought into the eyes of Americans. Today, on the second anniversary of the Sandy Hook killings, a mother of one of the victims spoke out on gun violence, described in TIME magazine. 

Nelba Marquez-Greene, who lost her first grade daughter Ana Grace, spoke out against gun violence. She spoke of how the events in Newtown, Fegurson, and New York leave all these mothers unable to breathe. She pleads people to end gun violence; to think of the mothers who are losing their children. The common factor in these events lies within gun violence, something that must come to an end.

Nelba Marquez-Greene is a pure example of greatness. Her ability to keep strength through losing her daughter is amazing. To speak out on such a controversial topic is very difficult as well, and her strength shows in that as well. Marquez-Greene lost her daughter and her breath on December 14, 2014. Two years later, she found her voice and spoke out. In the memory of the Sand Hook tragedy, in the memory of the children and teachers lost, we all must work to end gun violence. 


  1. Meg, this was a very touching topic in the wake of the violence that is happening today. I agree that Nelba exemplifies greatness because of her ability to take something bad and turn it in to something good for others. Her story is inspiring. Great Job!

  2. Meg, excellent blog. I found it interesting how closing in on a person's emotions from the events can change peoples' views on the controversy. Great work.

  3. Meg, I really enjoyed your blog. Your comparison to other current events such as Ferguson and the New York crisis was very strong and built your credibility as a writer. I also agree that Nelba is a pure example of greatness. Good job!
